A device solution that pursues practical productivity and high versatility
Productivity and versatility are equipped with 14 suction nozzle mounting heads.
Programming in the Data Generation System (NPM-DGS)
NPM-DGS standard equipped with Panasert data conversion tool
Improved operational performance can be equipped with an automatic feeder
Feeder, CM/NPM universal
Feeder supply department * Number of varieties carried: Max.160
*The supply department can choose to fix the supply department or exchange the trolley
You can choose 'none' for the rear supply department.
LED actual installation
Actual installation of the same brightness level
high production rate
High productivity/automatic model switching options
Support Station
Feeder Preparation Wizard Option
Improving operational efficiency/component supply oriented options
Quality improvement
APC system
Installation height control function
Support pin automatic replacement function
Component proofreading options
Real factory management system (PanaCIM)
Automation unit