CM101 universal mounting machine
Actual position correction and feedforward function
Mount components at appropriate positions based on the solder paste printing position.
Placement jump information feedforward · Program block recognition information feedforward
Feed forward defective marking information to shorten the recognition time of defective markings on modular mounting machines.
Feed forward program block recognition information to shorten the recognition time of modular placement machine program blocks.
Solder paste/pad * feedforward printing of defective program block information to prevent unnecessary component placement in modular mounting machines.
*When using soldering flux to carry packaging chip components at the solder pad position during solder pad inspection
Feedback on printing position correction information and automatic cleaning instructions
Measure the offset of the solder paste printing position through the inspection machine, and provide feedback on the position correction of the solder paste printing machine.
Measure the printing area of solder paste by checking the machine, compare it with the reference value, and provide feedback on the screen cleaning instructions.